Friday, June 1, 2012


It is so amusing to read in  articles by columnists from all over the US, on FB sites, people complaining about our Government being too big and interfering. Then read also of complaints that Government does not do enough to save people from being exploited financially, etc.

Case in point: Banks had their debit card and credit card charges limited because people felt they were overcharged and unfairly treated and complained.  Then the banks found other loop holes and recoup those lost charges another way, claiming Government too big and should not interfere in their business. This heavily supported by the Republican money elite. Now the average man wants to be protected against that also.
Go figure.

The point is, if big business, banks, Wall Street companies, etc were not quite as greedy and would also look at the needs of the little man, rather than at 40% profits they want, we would need no Government to inject itself.

But ultimately, it is the nature of the beast that Government has to be big for a big country and population.  People left to their own devices, no or little government, would literally rob each other, and fight continually.  Just see the many court cases of ordinary people who are suing ordinary people, because they feel their rights were infringed upon. And the many crimes being committed.  And that with a Government and rules and regulations....

There are exceptions, but they are in such a minority, the few that walk the narrow path that the Lord speaks about, they would be way outnumbered and overwhelmed.  Their voices would not be heard.

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