Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Work and Leisure and God

Here are some excerpts from Froma Harrop's column of June 26, 2012, “Summer means work, not leisure” which speak to exactly what I have observed in this country particularly since the 1960s and which have frustrated me to no extent.

“….........The early part of the 20th century saw a huge leap in productivity, whereby workers could churn out the same amount of goods and services in less time. Utopian big thinkers predicted a four-hour workday in the not-distant future. More modestly, organized labor began agitating for a 40-hour week. “

“Industrialists at the time said: 'Hey wait a minute. We're shoving truckloads of new products out the the factory door. Toasters, refrigerators, automobiles. Who is going to buy our stuff if the workers – rather than putting in the hours to make more money – go fishing instead?”

“............Thus was born the 'New Economic Gospel of consumption.” Advertising fueled the demand.”

“An example of a modern practitioner would be the neighbor working two jobs to pay off credit cards and extravagant mortgage. Note that the conveyor belt of new consumer products has not slowed. Many are relatively recent inventions that we can't even see – data plans for iPads and cellphones, cellphone service or the Cadillac package of digital cable channels.”

“All-work, all-the-time was not a cemented virtue in our early culture according to Hunnicutt. Moral authorities before the 1920s believed that a reduction in labor would lead to 'human betterment.' There would be more time for family, community service and spiritual growth. As a further blessing, workers could use the freed hours to engage in the craftsmanship that the machine age took away.”

“...............Hunnicut quoted firebrand theologian Jonathan Edwards. A leader in the religious 'Great Awakening' of the mid-18th century, Edwards praised labor-saving devices as a means to free up time for worship. “There will be so many contrivances and inventions to facilitate and expedite their necessary secular business,” Edwards said, “that they (the saints) will have more time for more noble exercise...” “

“Since 1973 worker productivity has risen 80 percent, while median hourly compensation (wages and benefits, adjusted for inflation) has gone up less than 11 percent. That means most workers these days are producing more in the same time, but without appropriate rewards either in money or shortened hours. Senior executives and Wall Street grabbed most of the return from higher productivity.”

        Bravo to this article. It really spoke to my identical feelings. But not only do we have neither the deserved income or free time, we have been pushed into a debt spiral on the individual level, that many cannot even pay off that debt anymore. And yet, industry keeps telling us BUY, BUY, BUY. And all too many fall blindly into the trap.

Worship – not just in church, but even alone, at home, is something our country knows little of, and if aware, sneers at it.

How surprised man will be when facing the Lord – and He asks “what did you do for me?” “ Oh, I created many e- programs so we can message each other more and faster and longer.” “ Sorry, that was not your job – you were to love me, and follow my plans and reach out to others to bring them awareness of me. You failed the test.”

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Book "Rebel With A Cause"

It took me years to finally read the book "Rebel With A Cause", an autobiography by Franklin Graham. The book was sent to me free by him some years ago because I was a regular contributor to his and his father's organizations.  But I am not a biography reader, especially of living persons.  So the book stayed on the shelf.  For some reason, I decided a few days ago to read it and get it out of the way.

And it was a surprise.  I, in fact, did have a hard time putting it down.  It was not a bragging kind of book. And what is more important, I learned a lot more about the organization "Samaritan's Purse", he is now leading.  It was established originally by Dr. Bob Pierce, and Franklin Graham had been working with Dr. Pierce for some years and learned about the latter's vision for the continuance of this organization after his death.

As most people, I knew of the Christmas shoe boxes the organization sent to children all over the world each Christmas.  But I knew little more about it.  In this book I learned how much the organization is doing, and has been doing, in the medical field (through the Medical Mission that is a partner organization of Samaritan's Purse) and other humanitarian works.

And they have reached people in need and in places that others had no access too.  But then they only do the work where and when they are guided by the Lord.  And all work is done in His name and they will always accompany their work with talking about Christ being our Savior. Much of the work has been done in war torn countries also, often with winding ways to gain access to the needy.  But always with success.  And many individuals have accepted the Lord and become leaders in their areas later.

I agree totally that as a Christian anything I do to help anyone has to be in the Lord's name.  Otherwise my help has no guarantee of being effective.  And I have done that person a disservice, even though he/she does not know it.

When they day comes when God will hold us accountable for our works, we will be shocked to learn that so much we did in our own name and with our own decision, regardless of how well-meaning, will find no acceptance by God.

Friday, June 1, 2012


It is so amusing to read in  articles by columnists from all over the US, on FB sites, people complaining about our Government being too big and interfering. Then read also of complaints that Government does not do enough to save people from being exploited financially, etc.

Case in point: Banks had their debit card and credit card charges limited because people felt they were overcharged and unfairly treated and complained.  Then the banks found other loop holes and recoup those lost charges another way, claiming Government too big and should not interfere in their business. This heavily supported by the Republican money elite. Now the average man wants to be protected against that also.
Go figure.

The point is, if big business, banks, Wall Street companies, etc were not quite as greedy and would also look at the needs of the little man, rather than at 40% profits they want, we would need no Government to inject itself.

But ultimately, it is the nature of the beast that Government has to be big for a big country and population.  People left to their own devices, no or little government, would literally rob each other, and fight continually.  Just see the many court cases of ordinary people who are suing ordinary people, because they feel their rights were infringed upon. And the many crimes being committed.  And that with a Government and rules and regulations....

There are exceptions, but they are in such a minority, the few that walk the narrow path that the Lord speaks about, they would be way outnumbered and overwhelmed.  Their voices would not be heard.