Friday, May 11, 2012


The North Carolina marriage amendment really caused an uproar.  Surprisingly.  Don't remember hearing that much when other States added it to their constitution.

To me, it is only natural, marriage is given to the world by God, not by law. Ergo, we cannot change that. Anyone, walking with the Lord and is guided by the Holy Spirit will know that.  For any couples who want to marry, their wisest move would be to know the Lord and have Him guide them to the right partner.  Even for heterosexual couples marriage is not always meant to be, or not meant to be with a given person.  And over time, they will learn, then it winds up in divorce.

But the basic problem is sexual activity.  In modern society, as well as in some ancient ones, it was considered something of an inalienable right for anyone, or just males, depending on society.  It is not.

It was given to us by God, and to be used under his guidance, and ergo, within marriage only.  Even then, not for personal pleasure, but to express love and care for the partner, which in turn will lead to pleasure for both.  But - when we walk with the Holy Spirit guiding us, we do not have to make those individual decisions and considerations, they become simply intrinsic.

No sexual interaction outside the above is according to God's will.  Satan's - yes.  He loves it. The further he can move us from God, the better he feels.

Few people in the world understand the big picture, and therefore dislike any talk about obeying God.  After all, they feel they know what is best for them.  However, at the end of their lifetime they will learn how wrong they were.  And I don't wish that for anyone.  Because by then it will be too late.

We often hear the question why are we born, what is our job?  It is not to please ourselves, it is to love the Lord, walk with him, and through our lives show those who do not know Him, what a peaceful and good life He gives us.  And ultimately that those who see and hear it will want to turn to God also.  That is our main "job" in this world.

I have known the other side, doing things I thought were good for me and right, or at least right in the eyes of the human laws, but I found I was way wrong.  Only after I cried to the Lord for help and committed myself to Him, did I learn what his ways were for me.  And I was never steered wrong.  Yet, I still have to live with the ramifications of my wrong ways.  And they are nothing but misery.  But I can endure them, because He helps me doing so.

How can you receive Christ into your life?  Simply pray to Him, to forgive your wrongs, and to come into your life and guide you from this moment on.  You will feel a difference.  And then talk to Him daily, in your mind, aloud, and thank him for being with you.  Ask Him for his guidance in every little detail of each day - when you get into your car, ask Him to keep you from trouble. When you work, ask Him to help you do the best you can.  With people, ask Him to direct your words, so you will not offend anyone.  Ask Him to guide you to those people who want to hear about Him, do not select them yourself.  It is the easiest way of living for any human.  And it is beautiful. It is a life of inner freedom we cannot achieve alone.   God's Blessings to all who are open to receive them.


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. This is a really good post and it's my hope as well that people don't find out to late that what they felt to be the not.
    Thanks for the visit to my blog and agreeing to follow it. I am looking forward to your return and doing so. Thank you.

    1. Re. movies to see. There are once in a while some nice ones, particularly animal ones. I don't miss those. And overall, I try to keep up with the "negative" attitudes of people, because there are always times when the Lord suddenly gives me the inspiration how to react/respond to same, using the right words so that those people do understand. To get to someone, one sort of has to know where they are coming from and and what "language" they speak. Or else, they won't ever listen.

      I have a habit of responding to journalists and their writings, politicians, local papers, local residents in letters to the editor. As I see the world overall, it is grey, with just bits of blue sky showing (thanks to Christians.)And that will not change until the day the Lord comes back. But we might to open a bit more of a blue sky here and there.
