For many years I have wanted to submit such a letter, but never felt the inspiration that it was the right time - considering the paper may not print it. But recently that moment came and I sat down and wrote the words that just "popped" into my mind. To my surprise they were even less than the 200 words the paper allows, something I usually have trouble with. But leave it to the Lord....
A controversy by something a local preacher said was also cause for the initial reference.
"As recently mentioned in a letter, we have the choice for or against God. If we don't choose God, Satan will automatically manipulate our lives.
And that is why I feel most preachers do not emphasize the most important part of being a Christian. If we choose God, via Jesus (a must), the Holy Spirit will fill our soul, and he will guide us in everything we do and say and think. Ergo, no misstatements and misinterpretations of the Bible.
And what is also so wonderful, no misguided actions, addictions, animosity and all other negatives.
All negative feelings, wishes and desires, as seen by God, are wiped away. We do not have to fight temptation on our own strength. It is a life of peace, security and caring, and lack of fear that not a single human being can give another human being.
This is the kind of peace and happiness I wish for everyone. And one does not even have to go to church to get it; just talk to the Lord wherever you are."
The people I hope to reach are not those who attend church and know, or at least could know the Lord. It is the attention of the "man on the street" who cares more about the here and now, gives the Lord not a thought, or even deliberately opposes him.
Peaceful life and God-given beauty