The presidential campaign ion 2016 is the ugliest ever. Never have I heard or read of any candidate as vulgar, aggressive, twisting facts, ignorant of facts, egotistical, and power-hungry, as I have of D.T.
He reminds me in his speeches so much of Hitler who bamboozled so many with his rousing speeches, talks of greatness for Germany, without regard to reality.
And just as Hitler, D.T. is truly a rabble-rouser, bringing out the worst in those people who already lean toward nastiness and violence. If he is elected, it will be the first time that I will have no respect for the President and the office he holds. And if he believes that bullying other nations the way he bullies his opponents now, will work, he is in error. He might just, though, make us an enemy of many of those countries.
To make a country great via his ideas only will make it decline in reputation. And if he means greatness in wealth and money acquisition- even that won't work, because we need the rest of the world to trade and deal with to gain wealth.
However, D.T. does in a way represent the moral values that the US for some decades now aspired. People believe the Constitution gives them the right to be, do, speak and act as they want to, with no restraints in actions and morality. That is not how the Constitution was meant to be.
And at the end, any country that loses its morality will eventually decline. History has proven this over and over again.
Yet, something no one talks about is the fact that not only each person, but also each country eventually has to face the Lord and account for its actions. We truly should fear that.