It is so frustrating to see the many military come home affected by this horrible mental condition, and often destroying their own lives, or that of their family members and others. The papers in my area publish pages on these stories - with the ultimate desire that the government do something about it. The efforts by the military so far are very small and don't seem to work very well.
Yet not anyone writes an article on the one and only sure help available for this illness, as for any other problems. Namely calling on Jesus to come into our lives and committing all of our soul to Him. The first "cure" would be, after such a commitment, an inner peace that no human assistance can provide. And from there, the Lord guides any other actions to be taken by us and others.
This country is so steeped in the conviction that we need to keep hands off the subject of Christ in public, except in churches and intimate groups of believers, that it literally has turned the Constitution into an enemy of Christ, which, I am certain, the founders of the Constitution never intended to provoke.
Imagine there were a medicine to cure all ailments. Wouldn't it be touted in every printed matter, on every corner of the country (or the world)? And were the inventor to deny access to it, how outraged would everyone be? Yet, that is exactly what happens when we refuse to tell and retell the story of the healing powers of Christ through His Spirit and our need for Him.